Make an Impact

We understand that making a legacy gift is an important decision that requires careful planning and we are here to help. If you have any questions about options available to you please contact us.

Gifts to Honour or Remember

Gifts to Honour or Remember

Our Commemorative Giving Program is all about honouring people. It is an excellent way to express sentiments to family, friends, neighbours, and business associates for events such as births, anniversaries, special achievements and in memory of someone dear to you. Tribute gifts not only honour the special people in our lives but also give hope to our Saskatchewan residents affected by lung disease. The person that you honour (or their family) is sent a personalized card and you receive an acknowledgement letter

Gifts of Stocks, Securities, or Other

Gifts of Stocks, Securities, or Other

Cash or similar assets such as investment certificates, stocks, bonds or mutual funds are easy to give. You receive a receipt for the full amount and the satisfaction of seeing your gift at work immediately.

A gift of securities to The Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan delivers the best return on your donation you can get. Your tax savings can be substantial, there is no minimum gift amount, and the gift transfer process is easy.

When donating appreciated capital assets to The Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan, you have two choices. You may sell the securities, donate the proceeds, and pay tax on the capital gain from the sale. Or, you can donate the securities directly to The Lung Foundation. When you donate the securities directly your tax savings will be far more substantial than if you sell the securities and donate the proceeds. We recommend that you consult with a qualified financial adviser before deciding on the best option for you.

Gift of Life Insurance

A life insurance policy is an excellent way to make a much larger gift than might ordinarily be possible. Through it, you can show generosity without compromising your family's financial security. Rather than making a considerable one-time gift, you pay your regular premiums. Those modest amounts will grow to an impressive gift. A gift of life insurance is separate from your estate and does not reduce the amount available to your family. There are no estate costs and the full amount of the insurance passes to the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan. There are many kinds of life insurance and, of course, it is up to you to decide which kind you prefer.

There are several ways to make a charitable gift of life insurance. Upon establishing an insurance policy you can name the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan as the beneficiary to the policy, or you can transfer ownership to the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan. In both cases you pay the annual premium and when you pass on, the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan receives the full value of the insurance to invest in the community.

Another option is to make a stipulated annual donation to the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan and ask us to use the donation to pay the premium on an insurance policy. The Lung Foundation will take out the policy for you and the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan will be the beneficiary.

In each case, you get a receipt for the full value of the annual premium. This receipt entitles you to a tax credit, thus reducing your income tax.

You may also make your estate the beneficiary of an insurance policy you establish and provide for a corresponding gift to the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan in your Will. with this option in particular we suggest you use assistance from a financial and legal adviser.

The amount of the gift is guaranteed and is not reduced due to taxes, probate or administrative costs. Premium payments are eligible for tax receipts, and unlike an RRSP, life insurance is not taxable and is distributed intact after death. The Foundation will only consider receipting premiums for insurance policies where the Foundation is named irrevocably as the Beneficiary.

Gift of Real Estate

Private property such as your home, vacation property or commercial buildings and land are all excellent charitable gifts. The property can be gifted directly or it can be sold and all or part of the proceeds donated to the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan. You receive a gift receipt for the fair market value of the property, which may reduce the tax payable on any capital gains.

Alternately, you can make arrangements for a “Deferred Transfer” of a property you own and make a gift of that property to the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan, but retain possession and enjoyment of that property for the rest of your life (referred to as a Gift of Residual Interest). You can do this by irrevocably assigning the ownership to the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan and thereby receiving the tax advantage. When you pass on, the property goes to the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan just as you intended. It can then be sold and the proceeds will be used to support important work in the community.

Gifts in Kind – Personal Possessions

Many people have valuable personal possessions such as cars, works of art, antiques, jewellery and other precious objects, stamp or coin collections, royalties and copyrights and so on. Such gifts in kind make a valuable contribution to the work of the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan. You will receive a receipt for taxation purposes, for the established fair market value of the property and the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan will handle the sale of the property, if applicable. You will also see your gift going to work in the community in the near future. Please note that independent appraisal is required to establish fair market value for items to be gifted in kind.

Leave a Legacy

Leave a Legacy

There are many options on how to make a legacy gift. You may, for example, want The Lung Foundation to receive all, or a portion of whatever remains from your estate after debts, taxes, administrative expenses and specific bequests have been paid. Alternately you may wish The Lung Foundation to receive all or a share of the estate only if other beneficiaries have passed away by the time your will is read.

A gift in your will is by far the most popular type of legacy gift and it can take many forms, including life insurance, real estate, or stocks and securities. Irrespective of the size of your estate, your gift will serve your community for a lifetime and will be a sound investment that benefits you and your family.

Endowments are another way that you can help plan for the needs of tomorrow. Endowments save and can grow for priority needs that we can't anticipate or even envision today.

There are also other types of legacy gifts such as gifts of securities that might work for you.

However you choose to give, we are committed to working with you, your family, executors and/or financial planners to ensure your charitable wishes are realized.

Monthly Donor

Monthly Donor

Becoming a monthly donor is a terrific way to support the Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan. Monthly giving is affordable as you can budget easily and make smaller payments rather that one large gift.

Monthly donation provides a steady and predictable source of income which makes it easier for our organization to plan our work. this type of giving also has substantially lower administrative costs than other fundraising methods. You are still eligble for a tax receipt and you can update or stop your payments at any time.

We understand that making a legacy gift is an important decision that requires careful planning and we are here to help. If you have any questions about options available to you please contact us.

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